Tuesday, February 28, 2012


last night was the most amazing pizza to ever come out of our oven, and it was HOMEMADE!!

 Dough: 2 1/2 to 3 cups all purpose flour
             1 cup warm water
             1 package rapid rise yeast
             1/4 teaspoon salt
              olive oil so the dough wont stick to the bowl as it rises
mix all ingredients together and knead dough until it is not sticky. let it rise for 1 hour or until it is double in size. You can do a double rise but I find that it isn't necessary. 
I sprayed the pizza pan and used a rolling pin to work the dough around starting from the very center.  I had to use my fingers to get the edges a little better but it's a very simple process. 

 We cooked up ground turkey and beef sausage.
 I can only eat pizza with tomato sauce on it from a select few places so I when I make pizza I make a white cheese sauce to use in its place. 
shredded cheese
depending on how much sauce you want, add the desired amounts of each. 
melt butter in saucepan then add flour. stir and let the flour cook out to get rid of the taste. add milk stirring constantly. let this simmer for a few minutes still stirring until it thickens slightly, add cheese and stir while it melts. 
 I put a little spinach on the pieces I was going to eat...little did I know that I would only get one piece of it cause the boys wanted to try it too.
 This is the finished product. Usually I would've let the crust get a little bit more brown but we were impatient and hungry.
Daddy cuttin' the pizza which means it't time for supper :)

My Imagination...

led me to do this.  My grandparents were going to put this in the burn pile but I decided to take the parts of the antique bed frame and re purpose them. This was not what I thought of doing at first but as I was pulling them out of the wheelbarrow, it was almost like the light bulb that hovers above my head lit up.  I decided illustrate the "bed" aspect of the raised bed. Everyone that I sent the picture to thought it was just too cute and said I had to post it.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A New Project...

I have just discovered that I have two extra days to write my history paper than I originally thought (I really should look at a calendar more often!!) With this new time I have so thankfully come across, instead of spending more time on my paper... I am going to start a new project.  As I have already posted seedlings are already here so I need a greenhouse of some sorts. Thanks to my old neighbor and her blog I have thought it best (and EASIEST!) to build a hoop house.  We have most of the materials and assembly seems like it will be rather quick...and we will be building a smaller one just big enough to work in easily. I am so EXCITED!!! pictures of the progress are to follow soon...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Passion for Pictures

For as long as I can remember I have loved taking pictures. I remember when I got my first digital camera and oh dear Lord how I HATED that thing. It was twice the size of a normal disposable camera and so cumbersome which made it hard to even hold the thing to take a picture. Anyway... my passion has continued to grow and now I'm thinking it might be something I want to do semi-professionally. It looks like I have a job this summer taking my cousin's senior pictures so maybe this is just the kind of thing I need to get me started. I am very excited and yet kind of nervous at the same time. I love taking pictures and I know I can take good ones but the thought of them being in someones yearbook just makes me a little nervous.
Here are some that I have taken semi-recently and recently.


I planted some things on Saturday and Sunday, here it is Tuesday and already things are sprouting!!! I was amazed to say the least. I expected to at least have to wait a little over a week to see anything but waking up to green things shooting out of the soil was such a wonderful way to start the day. Then the Keurig decided not to work again which kind of put a damper on things but overall it wasn't a bad morning.  Speaking of Keurig, the little K-cups that you purchase for it make the most awesome containers for starting seeds in the house (once they are cleaned out a little).  Daddy drinks coffee like its going out of style so I had plenty of them. Its a good way to reduce-reuse-& recycle. It makes me feel a little better as well because K-cups are rather expensive and reusing them (which saves me from having to spend more money on tray starters and such) is a good way to get my money out of them in another form that just doesn't involve a up of coffee.

The little green speck is the beginnings of a Better Boy Tomato

 I have another picture on my phone of some spinach sprouting but its not cooperating with my computer so I will have to post it later. Bottom line is, THINGS ARE GROWING AND I CANT WAIT TO PLANT EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN!!!

8th Place at State

Things might not have went as some of us planned this past weekend at the 2012 Wrestling State Championships but no matter what the outcome was, we knew the sense of pride we had in Mason was not going away.  Losing his first match was something we all knew was probably going to happen (the other guy was really good!!!) but we had high hopes for the second match.  Mason fought hard but in the end lost on points.  I know he was a little down about the fact that he didn't go any farther in the competition but he was content at where the season had led him.  I hope next season leads him to State again because with a little more work during the off-season, I think he could go far.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2012 Wrestling: 2 nd at Area, 4th at Sectionals, and a up-and-coming state placer!

 This has nothing to do with farming or coupons but wrestling is a big part of our family.  My little brother has been wrestling for about 5 years now and this has been his best season yet.  If you would have asked anyone where the season would have led him, no one would have even thought he would have made it to state.  He has worked so hard this season and we are all so proud.  I can't wait to see what happens this weekend :)

Here are some pictures from Area and Sectionals.
Placers in the 126 weight class

First match of the day (WIN)
Second match of the day (Lost on points)
The match that sealed the deal for Mason to go to State (WIN of course)
Warming up for his last match while another wrestler on the team and some of the coaches watch another match. (Lost on points)